Watch 28 weeks later zmovie
Watch 28 weeks later zmovie

Don's duplicity sets in motion a chain of events that ends in another outbreak of the rage virus, this time in the heart of this quarantine stronghold.If there's any hope for a cure, it lies with Don's children - whose blood may have an antidote. One of the Americans' key local people turns out to be Don, who reunites with his son and daughter - and lies to them about what really happened to their mother.

watch 28 weeks later zmovie

Army is enforcing a high-tech quarantine, resettling the British capital with refugees who waited out the crisis safely across the English Channel. The infected have all starved to death, and the U.S.


After showing husband and father Don ( Robert Carlyle) treacherously abandoning his wife during a zombie attack to save himself in the worst days of the epidemic, the movie revisits the ghostly, abandoned London of the first film. occupiers committing atrocities when they can't tell the civilians from the hostile enemy. In fact, it seems to be at least partially a Gulf War/Vietnam metaphor about overconfident U.S.

watch 28 weeks later zmovie

If you remember how Her Majesty's soldiers reacted to the "rage virus" plague in the first film - they were fascistic survivalist types prone to rape - you won't be surprised that this movie doesn't exactly support the troops either. In a major escalation of the first movie's theme, the American military has been brought in to clean up and re-settle Britain, where almost everyone died from a rabies-like contagion that turned people into maniacal (but mortal) zombie psychopaths.

Watch 28 weeks later zmovie